Homeschooling is often misunderstood. Many people question the quality of homeschool educations while missing the many advantages of homeschooling. We humans tend to compare things that may seem new to us to the things that are familiar to us. Therefore, Homeschooling routinely gets compared to public school system. I don’t mind that it gets compared to the public school system, simply because there really is no comparison. Consider the following facts:
- A greater number of homeschool children go on to higher education and college than their public school peers.
- Records show that homeschool children get better grades than their public school peers.
- A higher percentage of homeschoolers graduate from high school.
- Homeschool curriculum tends to be more accurate and timely than the obsolete/dated textbooks and curriculum used in public school.
- More than 95% of homeschoolers are able to recognize and speak authoritatively on issues of government and politics, while only 55% of their public school counterparts are as savvy.
It is our job as responsible parents is to be able to make sure that our children have adequate resources to secure for them the education they need and deserve. The intent of homeschooling is and should be just that - schooling at home. This is how a true education can be accomplished as proven by the statistics above. The quality of education itself is one of the main advantages of homeschooling.
Randall &Karen Webster have been homeschooling their 5 children for over 10 years. They offer advice and encouragement through a Free 5-part Mini-Course at Frustration Free Homeschool.
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